Introducing the last 7 days of logistics news.
The Chinese New Year celebrations will take place from January 28 to February 4. Domestic courier and trucking companies typically halt their transportation services 10–15 days prior to the holiday. Therefore, please plan your shipments accordingly.
From third country through Tianjin port
Currently, 5,200 TEUs, or approximately 2,600 containers, are awaiting rail transport at the Xingang Port. An additional 50 containers are awaiting road transport. From January 1 to 14, 21 train convoys departed.
Erlian – Zamiin Ude auto border
Approximately 750 trucks pass through Erlian daily without delays. Vehicle availability is stable. Due to the Chinese New Year holiday from January 28 to February 4, operations will pause from January 25 to February 10. Some factories in China are expected to begin their holiday breaks as early as January 10. It is important to note that domestic courier and trucking companies usually cease transportation services 10–15 days before the holiday.
The situation of the Polish-Belarus auto border
- The Poland–Belarus border currently has a queue of 3–5 days.
The Latvia–Belarus and Lithuania–Belarus borders each have a queue of 4–6 days.
Altanbulag port is open 24 hours a day.
Introduction of the Customs Electronic Pre-Declaration System for Transit Transport at Zamiin-Uude Port
Thanks to the collaboration between the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the National Road Transport Association of Mongolia, and Mongolian customs, the TIR-Electronic Pre-Declaration (TIR-EPD) system has been integrated with the Customs Automated Information System (CAIS). This enables improved control of goods and transport under the TIR Convention and facilitates electronic exchange of information.
The program, which is free for companies operating under the TIR system, allows them to notify customs authorities in advance about transport details. Efforts are underway to optimize the TIR system for seamless transport from China through Mongolia to the rest of the world.
At Zamiin-Uude, a special green lane for TIR-EPD transport has been newly established, enabling barrier-free entry and exit within Mongolian territory. It is reported that Mongolian transport companies are fully prepared to initiate TIR operations on the Erlian side, with support from Erlian customs brokers to facilitate the start of TIR transport.