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We are sending you the weekly logistics update.

Due to the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Germany, as of January 20, 2025, the transportation of all types of animal-based products (cheese, milk, meat products, dairy, etc.) from the European Union through Russia has been indefinitely prohibited.


From third country through Tianjin port

At the Xingang port, a total of 3,800 TEUs (approximately 2,000 containers) are currently awaiting processing. The waiting time for rail containers at Xingang is over one month. In January, a total of 56 freight trains were dispatched. More than 200 containers are waiting for road transport clearance.


Erlian – Zamiin Ude auto border

China’s Spring Festival holiday will end on February 6, after which domestic cargo and full truckload transport in China will resume.


The situation of the Polish-Belarus auto border

At the Poland-Belarus border, if all cargo documents are complete, the waiting time for clearance is approximately 3-5 days. The Latvia-Belarus border has a queue of 4-6 days, with slight delays in Latvian customs procedures. Similarly, the Lithuania-Belarus border has a 4-6 day waiting time, with minor delays in Lithuanian customs processing.


Altanbulag port is open 24 hours a day.

Container transport information

  • ABTEMA Customs Control Zone: 49 containers with imported goods, 57 empty containers with completed documents for return, totaling 106 containers.
  • TI Logistics Customs Control Zone: 268 containers with imported goods, 88 empty containers with completed documents for return, totaling 356 containers.
  • Amgalan Logistics Customs Control Zone: 210 containers with imported goods, 90 empty containers with completed documents for return, totaling 300 containers.

Port Delays in International Locations

The following ports are experiencing delays in vessel schedules:

  1. United States: Savannah 9 days, Charleston 6 days, Baltimore 6 days.
  2. Malaysia: Sibu 9 days.
  3. India: Visakhapatnam 7 days.
  4. Spain: Gijón 23 days.
  5. South Korea: Wando 43 days.
  6. Netherlands: Rotterdam 8 days, Heusden 20 days.
  7. China: Fuzhou 7 days.
  8. Brazil: Paranaguá 7 days, Pecém 14 days, Itaguaí 45 days, Vila Do Conde 34 days, Porto Seguro 28 days.
  9. Taiwan: Taipei Port 7 days.
  10. Thailand: Samut Sakhon 7 days.
  11. Belgium: Kapelle Op Den Bos 7 days.
  12. Canada: Cavan 7 days.
  13. United Kingdom: Felixstowe 7 days, Liverpool 11 days, Port of Groveport 8 days.
  14. Indonesia: Tanjung 12 days.
  15. Australia: Brisbane 7 days.
  16. Bulgaria: Burgas 7 days.
  17. Germany: Bremerhaven 6 days.
  18. Mexico: Veracruz 7 days.
  19. Algeria: Bejaia 18 days, Alger 11 days.
  20. France: Fos-sur-Mer 10 days, Bordeaux 13 days, Saint-Gratien 8 days, Rouen 8 days.
  21. New Zealand: Wellington 12 days.
  22. Russia: St. Petersburg 9 days, Novorossiysk 11 days.
  23. Georgia: Poti 7 days.
  24. Denmark: Copenhagen 11 days.
  25. Japan: Naha 8 days.
  26. Finland: Oulu 13 days, Rauma 18 days.
  27. Norway: Oslo  8 days, Kristiansand 8 days, Haugesund 8 days.
  28. Sweden: Gävle 14 days, Rönnskär 6 days.
  29. Serbia: Belgrade Seaport 23 days

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